Thursday, February 20, 2014

Inspirational contradictions?

Inspirational contradictions...sounds like an oxymoron...but it seems to be everywhere. Examples:
"Stay away from people who are negative."
"Accept people for who they are."
"If the relationship isn't right, get out of it."
"If the relationship isn't right, fix it."
These inspirational generic quotes do contradict when each is taken separately, but if a person uses the correct judgement to determine which "quote" to follow, based on each individual situation, all of them are simply inspirational. In the same way, the Bible seems contradictory, and this is because religious people pick and choose specific parts to "prove" their own points. When taken overall, the general theme of the Bible is to love God and love your "neighbor." An example: If taken literally, as written, "love your neighbor" would mean the person who lives next door; however, when Jesus was asked the question, "Who is my neighbor?", He demonstrated that "neighbor" included everyone -- even those thought of as enemies.
The seeming contradictions are guidelines that include "recommendations" for actions to be taken in various situations.

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